Janet Kupchick, lead chick.
After a stint (career?) in advertising I returned to my alma mater, Art Center College of Design, to take a letterpress workshop. That was 2006. I fell in love with the physical process of setting type, proofing, printing and the pure analog nature of letterpress printing. My first project, self inflicted, was a book that was 3 years in the making. Then came the flow of greeting card ideas; puns, word play, lines of related thoughts and random greetings based on the old advertising cuts I have now been collecting for 10+ years.
Today I work as a technician and occasional instructor at Otis College of Art and Design. Along with my colleague, designer Lorna Turner, I also teach at Bookarts L.A.
I print anywhere that will have me. I share a table top sign press with Lorna, but I like to say that I mostly use OP presses. Other people’s.